Is university worth it?


Hey Sunshine                                                                                                                               Cashmere Cat ft Ariana Grande   

'Don’t pretend your just a friend'
This song is soo good that I had to do a blog post on it.
So my head is spinning in various thoughts right now, its one of those songs that you forget about everything!

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So I’ve been lost in a whirl pool lately, just finishing my foundation in Art & Design at UAL 
I have a lot of spare time to do a lot of unwanted thinking, putting certain things into prospective that I don’t want to make sense just yet.

  • Uni - To go ahead & do a BA in Graphic Design or to go straight into the industry , which is a bit of a gamble. But I guess life about taking risks right?

 But would I regret it

Something to think about - What do you think? 
Is £9,000 tuition fees + expenses  worth it for a piece a paper at the end when you’re paying for your materials, accommodation, food.. EVERYTHING?
Being at Uni what i had learnt so far through my foundation is that Art is all about Self Motivation.
No ones going to push you, “YOU are your own motivation” 

so... what are we paying for?
Being a design / art student is it not worth going out into the industry and work your way up?
But then there’s drawbacks,
- Getting your foot in the door; 
selling yourself (not physical ;) don’t worry ) but personally.
The design industry is so competitive its pot luck, you got to have an outstanding portfolio ( which is something you build over uni - ✓ guess thats the whole point of design uni? Preparing you for the big bad world.. )

Whats your opinion?

 -- ☀ -- 

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