So recently I had been placed in a pickle between friendships (relationships)..
Good friends always stay but Hi5 to all those low maintenance friends, the ones you can pick up the phone & carry on the conversation from where you ended.
...I’ve been pushed away by a very good friend of mine (i thought) with the reason of “doing better” & “not having time for them”. When people push you away because they believe you can do better as much as you dont want to let them go they will go.. because they don’t believe they are good enough or deserving enough of you. As much as this may hurt, you have to let them be.. not letting them go but letting them be.. keep pestering them time to time, check up on them, see how they are doing because one day will come that .. they will come back to you. becausethey left youbut you stayed to fight. As that person is fighting there own battle & as much as you may want to be there for them sometimes one has to "do it on there own” I’m a big believe in the fact of whats meant to be will be & if its meant for you.. it'll come back☁ Therefore when the time is right those friendships will develop again .. sometimes people only come into your life to serve a purpose and once they’ve served it its there time to .. “move on” & I guess thats where you have to be strong in knowing that it’s time to ‘move on’ - oh I hate dislike that word so much.. because why does someone have to move on? We’re supposed to grow old together..? laugh about the old times, cry over soppy films, fight over the littlest things.. I guess thats where we go wrong having these ‘expectations’ of people..
... You can push me away as much as you want but those walls will fall one day & I will be waiting on the other side.. because walls are built to break Pushing one away doesn’t mean your weak it means your strong enough to push loved ones away.. mostly because You’re Afraid. Its a sense of defence mechanism.. understanding that puts you on the forefront, allowing you to understand why someones pushed you away. That might not be the case all the time but this is what I’ve found. Be strong sunshine.. because if you’ve been put into the situation you have enough strength to get through it.. find the fire within you .